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Career Pathways

Career programs that offer much more than job training.

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Our Career Pathway Programs do more than train job seekers for employment: we use our institutional profile and organizing capacity to coordinate major employers representing fenceline industries in low-income communities, transforming them into employment resources and sources of ongoing community economic participation. We open access to highly qualified professional careers where traditional approaches to job training have targeted entry-level jobs for individuals and families challenged by low income and barriers to employment. We integrate peer support and ongoing higher education into job training in order to build careers, not simply jobs.

The Career Pathway Program model is rooted in the power of peer relationships: all participants are grouped into cohorts which function as learning communities and later as professional networks. Support specialists are attached to each cohort to provide group development, individual coaching and case management, and service referrals for needs including health and mental health, transportation, childcare, and financial aid. Each pathway culminates in acquisition of an industry-recognized certificate leading to priority hiring with a participating employer, and/or articulation to an ongoing course of college study leading to Associate's, Bachelor's, and post-graduate degrees along with expanded professional opportunities. While CPP is open to residents of communities throughout L.A. County, specific priorities have been established for participation by recently separated veterans, low-income youth, and youth transitioning from foster care. Current career pathways include:

Energy Pathway Program
Energy Pathway Program

Contextualized education that prepares you for a high paying job in the energy, pharmaceutical, and water treatment sectors.

Promo Pathway
Promo Pathway

Customized college certificate that prepare youth to write, edit and produce promos on television.